Let’s optimize the practices of both new and old teams by implementing a proactive approach and increasing team spirit, understanding, and commitment.
DISC optimizes teamwork by shedding positive light on the diversity of people, on how we prioritize, behave, and on group dynamics.
The systematic and highly concrete development of your team with the aid of well-researched best practices of high performing teams.
Concrete methods to minimize stress by managing your workload and use of time.
Let’s transform the recognized, as well as the so far unidentified workplace skills into a true advantage and create a culture of long-term learning.
Concrete skills for trainers and experts to produce strong learning in trainings, occupational guidance, or orientation.
Let’s develop new meeting practices in cooperation, so that everyone personally experiences and understands the benefits.
Gain confidence and reach the goals of your presentations. Learn to build an interactive, interesting and convincing presentation.
Why does one team succeed better than the other?
Have you noticed that some teams succeed and reach their targets with ease, while other teams have trouble getting there despite being competent?
Working well together, cooperating and communicating internally and externally is vital to the success of teamwork. Developing teamwork skills and directing team dynamics increases motivation and enables teams to work together and achieve required goals and results.
According to many studies (Losada & Heaphy, 2004; Meneghel, Saranova & Martínez, 2014; Pentland, 2012; West, Patera & Carsten, 2009), there are clearly distinguishable factors that account for the differences of performance in teams. These are, for example, positive ways of working, strong inter-team connection, clear common practices, versatile communication within the team as well as with all the team’s interfaces, and collective positive emotions and experiences, which are critical to increasing resilience and efficiency.
In our Realized® Team training, we work together to overcome the specific obstacles that hinder your team’s performance and cooperation, and develop your working methods towards the best practices found in High Performing Teams. Quick results will be achieved this way in increasing success, motivation, creativity, problem solving, and joy in the workplace. In a well-functioning team, people are more engaged in reaching goals and commit more deeply.
Completo DISC efficiently assists us in understanding ourselves and others better as a part of Realized® Team training, and we quickly come to realize how easy it is to improve cooperation in practice. With the Completo DISC Team Map that describes the working culture within the team, we can examine and better understand how the team functions, and what are its strengths and pitfalls.
Tools used in Realized® Team and Workplace Training
Completo DISC Cooperation Profile
Completo DISC Team Chart
Completo DISC Trainer’s Profile
Small group coaching
Reasoning Analysis Assessment
“In Realized® Team training, we solve the issues hindering teamwork and pragmatically develop your team or whole organization towards a higher degree of commitment, resilience, motivation, and efficiency.”
1. Team Building Workshop
The Team Building Workshop starts with defining the issues in the team beforehand. This is usually done by interviewing the team manager while the team members convey their thoughts through a questionnaire. Clear objectives are set, and with these in mind our coaches set out to plan the contents and implementation of the workshop process.
Our trainer acts as a facilitator, bringing new information and suggestions to the group. During the Team Building Workshop, the team builds solutions and agrees on how to implement them in practice.
A culture of team spirit and helping your colleagues is only achieved through cooperation and interaction, which must constantly be developed. In this Team Building Workshop, we especially concentrate on increasing positive attitudes and consensus, increasing a proactive working style, and taking responsibility.
You will find that the Team Building Workshop truly brings the team together and optimizes workflow, as everyone knows the skills and responsibilities of the others. This will make cooperation easier and delegation natural and effortless.
Team Building Workshop Contents
- Clarifying the team purpose and roles
- The big picture: what is our role in the organization and its success?
- Characteristics of a successful team
- Creativity and problem solving in teams
- Completo DISC as a tool for improving cooperation and teamwork
- The strengths and weaknesses of team functionality
- Building and strengthening trust
- Working towards solutions in the workshop
Benefits in a nutshell
Increases in team motivation and efficiency
The clarification of purpose, goals, and the big picture for team members
Clarification of roles
Tasks are effortlessly directed to the correct person
Each team member will find optimal ways of working in their own role
Problem solving techniques are developed and diversified
2. The Different Personalities of a Team (DISC)
Team members will greatly improve their knowledge of each other in this DISC assisted team training, regardless of how well they knew each other in advance. We use DISC when working with developing management teams and expert teams alike. The Completo DISC Team Map reveals the team’s dynamics and provides information on how the team can succeed even better in the future.
Completo DISC does not rank people according to performance, but increases our knowledge and understanding about ourselves and others by describing, in a very concrete manner, the behavioral styles and natural ways of working of different people. It clarifies the strengths of our own natural style and how we can best use them when communicating and cooperating.
The understanding and knowledge provided by the team training and DISC increases our awareness, our observation skills, and our ability to acknowledge the behavior of ourselves and others. This facilitates making conscious decisions on how to interact efficiently with others and how to adapt our behavior when needed.
We may already be doing this, without realizing it. Generally, we all behave differently at work and at home, for example. With Completo DISC, this team training helps understand this behavioral phenomenon and enables us to use our behavior as a tool to be implemented differently in different situations. DISC brings harmony and success to the workplace. Read more about DISC on our page Extended DISC® and getting certified.
Team Training Contents
- The behavioral styles according to DISC
- Insights from your personal Completo DISC Profile
- The behavioral styles as a practical tool
- The communication, motivation, logic, and priorities of different styles
- The positives and negatives of adapting your behavior
- What do people of different behavioral styles require to be at their most efficient?
- The Completo DISC Team Map and the team dynamics
- The strengths and development areas of your team
- Workshopping solutions for your team and conclusions
Benefits in a nutshell
You will learn to know, understand, and accept others more
Discover the hidden logic of your own actions
You will find the motivation and skills to complement the strengths of others with your own
You will discover new ways of problem solving
You will understand your team’s dynamics and know how to utilize its strengths
Areas of development and development solutions are discovered
Common ground rules for your team are set and their implementation is planned
3. High Performing Team
Numerous recent studies on teamwork have provided us with valuable information and concrete methods to develop the performance of teams. In this team training, we will evaluate and develop the practices of your team quickly and efficiently in light of the latest research.
In the research of Losada and Heaphy, describe the areas of cooperative functions within a team on three axes and the relations of the two extremes. For example, high positivity in communication and cooperation results in a High Performing Team that is six times more efficient.
In this team training, we develop your team by shaping and reconstructing functions and activities, and by adding in best practices from High Performing Teams. We can also start the development process by observing and charting the activities of your team.
Pentland has studied what kind of communication correlates with High Performing individuals and teams. This knowledge is entirely new to many teams and will result in significant new insights. During the team training, we will interpret and workshop this new information to ultimately produce new courses of action for your team.
Team Training Contents
- The characteristics of a successful High Performing Team
- The team development phases
- Workshop using the Losada method
- Workshop for developing communication (Pentland)
- Creativity and problem solving in the team
- A package of required skills for continued development
- The deductions of your team
Benefits in a nutshell
Improved motivation and efficiency in your team
Your team will have a clear picture of how a High Performing Team functions
Clear steps to take towards developing into a High Performing Team
Communication and cooperation improve and support team functionality
Interaction improves and accelerates the reaching of results
Clear jointly workshopped common rules and their implementation
4. Time Management
Mastering your schedule equals mastering your workload. It starts with the individual, but it brings considerable results to the entire organization. In this time management training, you will learn the most important time management skills: organizing, planning, structuring tasks, prioritizing, delegating, and clear communication.
Daily planning and mastering your workload is imperative for achieving productivity, efficiency, and results, but also for job satisfaction, endurance, and managing stress.
In this time management training, you will learn to recognize and overcome your personal time thieves. You will identify your priorities and the cornerstones of your time use so you can clarify your goals for improved efficiency and control, and increased results.
The time management training provides you with useful tools and methods for planning your work and controlling time use. When you are in control, it is easier to manage your daily work and take on challenges.
Time Management Training Contents
- Conscious skills for time and workload management
- Self-management in situations of haste and stress
- Recognizing your challenges, time thieves, and pitfalls
- 10 tools for mastering time and work
- Best practices for planning and organizing
- Personal development plan utilizing the most appropriate tools
- 5 efficient tool-based methods for improving your success rate
- Organizing and optimizing time use as individuals and as a team
- Collective decisions on actions and procedures: delegating, distribution of workload, flow of information, rules of internal communication, planning, and prioritizing
Benefits in a nutshell
- An uncluttered calendar
- Identify priorities from an extensive workload
Efficient use of your time despite interruptions
- Distribute your time into logical slots
- Manage and compartmentalize your work, increase motivation
Become aware of what causes you stress and receive support
- Better planning will bring job satisfaction and save energy
- Learn how to coach others to manage their time better
5. Workplace Skills and Cooperation
Today’s work has increasing challenges for everyone, tight schedules, and demanding goals. The responsibility of individuals is to constantly improve one’s competency. Therefore, people need opportunities to continuously learn new skills to be able to perform and reach new goals.
A culture of team spirit is only achieved through strong workplace skills, which should not be taken for granted. Taking responsibility, cooperation, interaction skills, empathy, and supporting others – these are all main elements of a long-term successful workplace and should constantly be under development. A strong cooperative spirit benefits the entire organization, the teams, and individual team members, and is especially important in a hectic and challenging work environment.
In this cooperation training, we will make the recognized, as well as the so far unidentified workplace skills into the aces of your organization. The cooperation training focuses on creating a proactive and cooperative work approach, where people take responsibility and have a positive attitude towards long-term learning and renewal. We offer you strong basic skills for managing your workload. The workplace will experience substantial increases in motivation and work satisfaction.
Cooperation Training Contents
- The basics of work community skills
- Interaction skills, skillful communication, and discussion as tools of cooperation
- The culture of cooperative team spirit
- Managing your workload, both quantity and quality
- Improving your expertise is a key workplace skill
- Facilitation skills for teamwork
- Solution-focused methods for everyday problem solving
Benefits in a nutshell
The importance of interaction skills in reaching goals is recognized
Everyone learns to act wisely and constructively in the workplace
Everyone will learn to receive and give support to others
Internal and external communication is improved considerably
A well-functioning workplace boosts motivation
The requirements of managing own work are discovered and the necessary tools to do this are gained
Newly gained clarity of responsibilities helps save energy and resources
6. Training and Facilitation Skills
In this training for trainers, your trainers and instructors will learn how to transfer their knowledge to others effectively and with structure. After this training for instructors, there will no longer be a need for repeated trainings, as everyone will learn the first time.
With the right skills, experts with training duties as well as other instructors will be key people in increasing agility and versatile skills among colleagues. Internal trainings are sometimes imperative, for example the orientation of new employees, but they are also an excellent way of expanding and sharing skills within current teams, which also enables job rotation.
In this training for trainers, you will learn how to plan the content and structure of your trainings, how to utilize exercises, how to follow up on learning progress, and receive key pedagogical and interaction skills. We will also look at how people of different learning styles learn most efficiently, and learn how to solve the special challenges of online training and make it an efficient learning situation.
Completo DISC
The training includes a personal Completo DISC Trainer’s Profile, which describes your natural training style and provides knowledge on how to train different individuals by leveraging their strengths. The Profile also includes explicit tips on how to become a more efficient trainer.
Training for Trainers Contents
- Goal-oriented interaction during trainings
- Different learning styles and trainers with different styles
- Insights from your Completo DISC Trainer’s Profile
- Planning, structuring, and content of your training
- Utilizing exercises, tasks, and examples
- Guiding discussions during trainings, managing the learning situation
- Training in change situations
- Training groups of different size
- How to schedule the training, how engage participants
- Tools for managing challenging situations in the training
- A coaching approach to training
Benefits in a nutshell
Your trainings will motivate, inspire, engage, and create commitment
You will learn to structure the learning process and the training material to best induce learning
You will gain a coaching approach to training
You will understand different learning styles and know how to communicate to reach different people
Receive tools for managing challenging training situations, such as change, virtual learning, challenging learners
You will find your strengths as a trainer (Completo DISC)
7. Efficient Meetings
Unnecessary and inefficient meetings waste an incredible amount of time, energy, and money. When you recognize the need to develop the meeting practices of your organization and you know what can be achieved, let us do the heavy lifting.
Defining new meeting practices with us is efficient and starts with your needs and requirements. The key challenge in this change process is how to get people on board. This may prove to be difficult or even impossible without outside help.
During the meeting training, new practices are created and developed together so that everyone clearly understands that they will benefit personally from the improved procedures. It is the only way to make things really change. Let us make efficient meetings the pride of your organization.
Meeting Training Contents
- The evaluation of the organization’s meeting practices and the creation of new practices
- Developing procedures that will support the objectives and purposes of your meetings
- Strengthening skills to lead and manage all kinds of meetings and group occasions, for example, project reviews
- How to plan and implement efficient and engaging meetings that serve both participants and the organizer?
- Different types of meetings as a support function
- Discussion and facilitation as tools in a meeting
- The engaging and motivating of participants
- Reaching the goals of meetings and utilizing follow-up tasks to their best advantage
Benefits in a nutshell
Achieve a clear structure and framework for your meetings
Meetings will become purposeful and goal-oriented
The handling of issues in meetings will become efficient
Participants will have a positive meeting experience
Participants will become more active
There will be no more talk about useless meetings that waste everyone’s time and cause a negative atmosphere
8. Successful Presentations
Information can be exchanged by email. The purpose of a presentation is more profound: you want to make an impact on the listeners, on their views and opinions, make them think about what you said, or even influence their decision making. The presenter on the other hand is most often more worried about how to make the topic at least somewhat interesting.
We have the solution to both these issues. It is entirely possible to make any presentation interesting and engaging. With this presentation training, you will get the skills to perform convincingly and to build a presentation that will make the audience thank you. Your confidence will get a boost, and stage fright will be considerably lessened.
In this presentation training, you will also learn how to define and clarify the main purpose and goal of your presentation, as well as ways to plan and structure different types of presentations so that you maintain the interest of the audience and reach your goal efficiently.
You will get to practice live for the rest of the group, so you can test your skills, react to surprising incidents, and flexibly steer through them. You will receive most useful, honest, constructive feedback.
No one needs to transform themselves into someone else to present successfully. Everyone has their own strengths and charisma as a performer. You can uphold contact with the audience in as many ways as there are people. While presenting, you just need to be aware and alert. You need to be able to read the audience, which requires practicing.
In this presentation training, we learn ways of engaging the audience, awaken personal interest and insights, as well as long-term learning. Be prepared to let go of your stage fright for good, in a safe and positive atmosphere with the rest of the group.
Presentation Training Contents
- From sharing information to an interactive and skillful performance
- Smooth, clear, and deliberate use of language in your presentation
- The ultimate goal of your presentation directs the all parts of your performance
- Building interaction as a foundation of all presentations
- The structure of a presentation
- Keeping up the interest of the audience throughout the presentation
- The special challenges and solutions of an online presentation
- Interaction in an online presentation
- Practice and constructive feedback – learn from the performances of others as well
Benefits in a nutshell
Learn how to plan and construct a convincing presentation in your own style for different situations, including online
Learn how to communicate a strong and convincing message that awakens interest and is believed regardless of you being a manager or an expert
You will know how to make the audience listen and how to establish contact
You know how to achieve efficient interaction and handle questions smoothly
You will receive a significant confidence boost